Exposure to loud noise, ear infections, aging, excessive earwax, hypertension, sensory nerve disorders and certain medications.
Smoking, consuming alcohol or caffeine, excessive amounts of aspirin, antibiotics or other medications.
Over 45 million American suffer from some form of persistent ringing in the ears. The first step in treating your symptoms is identifying what type of tinnitus you are experiencing. Tinnitus can be classified as: auditory, non-auditory, middle ear, cochlear, vestibular, and cervical. The most common type is associated with hearing impairment. It is important to distinguish which type of tinnitus you have so the appropriate treatment can be applied. Frequently, managing the hearing loss will reduce or eliminate the effects of the unwanted ringing, buzzing, clicking or wooshing sounds. If not, other forms of management can be effective.
At Scarlet M. Aviles, Audiology, we effectively treat tinnitus using sound therapy devices. These technologies aim to reduce the irritation caused by the unwanted ringing in your ears. But which technology or treatment plan would work best for you depends on the type of tinnitus you’re experiencing. Schedule an appointment at Dr. Scarlet M. Aviles Audiology today to have your hearing and tinnitus evaluated. A simple, non-invasive evaluation will give you an idea of what it will take to relieve your suffering. There’s no need to live with tinnitus anymore.
Today, hearing loss has been independently linked to a number of serious health conditions. If you or someone you know is living with the following conditions:
it is important to understand the connection to hearing loss. Hearing loss can also be a result of aging and a side effect of taking certain medications.
Read about health conditions related to hearing loss.Dr. Aviles is dedicated to providing you with a convenient and professional experience in her open and friendly office.
Getting your hearing evaluated gives you the information you need to make better life quality choices.
Hear Well and Thrive !!